
Game Rules

Definitions for specifics at the end of the document.

  1. Use your common sense, play in the spirit of the game.
    • Please do not spam the mods if you can figure it out.
  2. No direct messaging or outside communications is allowed between players during a match.
  3. All players must be using a mic while alive.
  4. Players' in-game names must be recognizable within 3 letters.
  5. No talking about tasks at all aside from pathing of previous rounds and no task claiming.[1]
  6. No button Round 1 unless there is a kill or sabotage called.
  7. Players should not be standing watching other players if they don’t have a task in that area. (AKA No stacking)
    • Players may peek/check an area but shouldn’t just stand there.
    • Even during a sabotage.
    • This rule does not apply if there are 6 or fewer players alive.
  8. No clogging of voice communications.
  9. An Impostor win will not result in a cancel or dc unless impostors specifically clog voice comms.
  10. No Medbay-Queuing or Cancelling.
    • If you are a ghost, you should be canceling if an alive player comes to do their scan. If you queue a ghost, you do not need to worry, but do not mention it.
  11. No pink warding (More than 5 seconds).[2]
  12. If a player leaves or disconnects an active game while alive for any reason, that game is over.
    • If that player is dead (This includes if they’re about to be voted off) the game should continue as normal. (Unless game auto ends)
    • The !dc command is to be run on that player and the lobby should move to the next game.
    • This is not a group consensus decision, It is a rule that must be followed.
  13. No metagaming.
    • Making plans with other players. Calling out past game player info.[3] Usage of exploits is not allowed and it’s categorised as cheating


Meta-gaming is a term used to describe a set of actions that are considered poor for the sportsmanship of a game. For Among Us, these include the following:

  1. Planning future game events that haven’t yet happened:
    1. Implying to others what tasks you have by saying something such as:
      1. “Oh I can’t say what task but I was in medbay.”
      2. Plans to follow other players
      3. To check medbay/clearing tasks.
      4. Saying I’m going to stay with this suspicious player.
      5. Calling for stacking.
      6. Calling out a specific play.
        • I’ll get the left reactor, you get right, you get the button.
        • It is still acceptable to remind the lobby that you do not have a button.
  2. Calling out knowledge of a player’s past patterns as direct evidence to their guilt/innocence:
    1. For example:
      • This is a Mako kill, he always pre-vents reactor on Mira!
      • Player A made this kill, he always calls Communications and then kills.

Please note this is not a comprehensive list, these are examples of what would be considered Meta-gaming.


Toxic Behaviour

Punishments for Rule-breaking:

Disconnections, Rage Quits, and Bugs

It is each player’s responsibility to ensure they have a reliable connection and set aside enough time for the match, therefore, there are a specific set of actions we have in place for players who disconnect.

Elo/MMR System for Ranked Among Us

Each player has a CrewMate MMR and an Impostor MMR. Upon submission of the match result, the CrewMate’s average MMR is compared to the Impostors’ average MMR. The expected win rate of each team is calculated based on ELO formulas and the average win rate of the map (and settings). The exchange of MMR is redistributed via ELO formulas.

Importance of Map average win rates

Unlike chess, wins are not split 50:50 between teams of equal ELO for each map. Therefore Map’s average is used to shift the ELO formula in favor of one team or the other. To accommodate for Meta-Shifts, the most recent 100 matches are used to set a map of an average to input into the ELO formulas to get the expected win rates. This setup makes ALL Maps viable for competitive gameplay.

Take for example MIRA, if the expected win rate of impostors is as low as 20%, for equal MMR impostors vs CrewMates, Impostors expect to win more MMR if they’ve won but stand to lose less MMR if they’ve lost.

Unstable MMR

Unstable MMR are MMR scores in which the player has not earned enough wins to reveal their true MMR. Wins during unstabled MMR nets in bonus MMR points. A players’ MMR becomes stabilized after 25 Crewmate wins and 5 Impostor wins.

Overall MMR

A player’s overall MMR is the average of CrewMate MMR and Impostor MMR.

The 50:50 split is used over the 80:20 split because if the latter ratio was used, players ranked high level are more likely to have poor impostor ratings. This makes for poor competitive matchups as there is no guarantee the impostor teams will have significant Impostor MMR to compete with.

MMR Decay

After about 7 days of inactive gameplay (or a certain number of days configured for your version of the bot), 20 MMR will be deducted for each subsequent day of inactivity. MMR Decay is to prevent top players from sitting on their positions without having to fight to maintain it.

Vouching Reputation System

To help players monitor each others’ behavior, Ranked Among Us bots are equipped with a Vouching Reputation System. The systems’ interaction is via direct messaging to allow for anonymity of the person placing the vouch for or against another player.

Leaders, Tiers, and Roles

Leaders (You cannot have more than one of these roles at once)

Tier Levels

Reputations Roles

Tools for Players


Leaderboards are publicly available at


Scorecards for each Among Us leaderboard is available in the same location.

Streamer tools

Streamer warning

Streamers may freely stream their Ranked Matches, however, this leaves their streams open for stream sniping. It is very difficult to prove beyond the benefit of the doubt if stream sniping has occurred and so left akit if the preventative measure is largely in the streamer’s responsibility.

Whilst streaming, players may not have chat open if they are crew and living.

Getting your Twitch handles on the leaderboards

There are two ways to get your handle on the leaderboards:

  1. If you are in one of the bigger guilds you can contact the moderators in that guild they have access to do that.
  2. If you are in a smaller guilds go to Ranked Among Us server And open a ticket and provide us with your Twitch handle.

A streamer may choose to use the available scorecards to place on their stream. There is a stream elements/panel version readily available for use from the !myresults command in discord. The streamer version of the scorecards automatically updates every 30 seconds. The weblink can be used as a browser source for OBS and OBS StreamLabs

Terms and Definitions:

Required Bots

Compatible with


Bot developer:

These rules/guidelines have been contributed to by:

Grammar Marshalled by: